

Postal Address Platte Canyon Multimedia Software Corporation
8870 Edgefield Drive
Colorado Springs, Colorado 80920

Platte Canyon Support/Customer Service Comments

  • As always I appreciate your timeliness. You definitely do a great job with customer service.
  • I appreciate your quick reply…I guess you never sleep!
  • Thanks again for the world-class customer support.
  • I have everything working OK now. Your staff provides excellent customer support. I will certainly recommend your software.
  • First let me thank you for your outstanding help!
  • First of all, I just want to say that I really like your company! I recently met Jeff Rhodes at the Training 99 conference in Chicago, and was greatly relieved and impressed to find someone who could answer technical questions about Toolbook Instructor. I was also very impressed with Chris Bell when ordering upgrades of Toolbook from Platte Canyon. Way to go!!!
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